Thursday, April 19, 2007

it all comes back to you...

you know that coke commercial, anyhow.
so my friend allie lives in atl and i prayer for a long time that God would surround her with great people to take care of her and love her and such. little did i know that the answer to that prayer would help me as well. her friend is going to give me his frequent flyer miles to travel to and from nyc! amazing! that is a big load off!
lantz commented (cause that what cool kids do) asking what i needed for my trip. first i need prayer. prayer for safety and guidance and courage and strength and clarity and love and patience. then i need moola. my goal is around 5,000. God has used the people in my life to raise about 250 and a flight thus far(:
tonight i took dinner to the band with no name that will be playing at the non-benefit show MAY 17TH AT THE CONNECTION. it was super fun. we ate and they played and i played with asher and jayden and modeled for celeste. i have the best friends.


gDodson said...

everyone should drink Coke.

Kylie said...

YOU are an amazing friend! I have been catching up on the blog, and just want you to know that I love you!!!