Displace Me was a huge success and way amazing!
First i would just like to say that laura had never even been camping! she bought her pink camo sleeping bag especially for this event! she rocks!
here we are at the beginning of the program. it was sunny and very warm, but not for long.
we were on the early side so when we got there it wasnt super packed and we just laid our suitcases out and chilled for a bit.
everyone around us set up their cardboard shelters. but we didnt need no stinking cardboard. except we sure were wishing we had some about 11:30 when we got back to our campsite and everything was drenched in dew.
the evening started with a welcome and a time to get your cardboard shelters decorated, then we filmed for a long time. they are going to make a film to show in the house and senate that is of all the different sites. i am excited to see it.
to get our saltine crackers and water (the only food for the night) we watched a video about how people in the camps get water and food. then only women between 18 and 22 could get water and only one bottle at a time. and then only dudes could get saltines. so laura and i had to make friends.
then we wrote senators and the president of uganda asking for peace and aid to the displaced.
then there was a little wait time and they did question and answers and they spoke about the teachers exchange and i got to tell everyone that i was going. it was cool.
then we had a guest speaker...the leading officer for education in Gulu! it was awesome to talk to him and know that i will see him again! we got to talk to him for a while after he spoke and heard his take on the situation over there. it was awesome to hear first hand from someone who really understands what it is like to be over there. one thing that struck me was that he said the ugandans are very forgiving and just want peace. they arent looking for "justice" or revenge but for the war to stop and life to resume. it is so humbling to think that they are just ready to forgive and move on. it also shows that there is never a cut and dry right and wrong. there are two opposing forces fighting and the people are caught in the middle.
then it was time to go back to our campsite and sleep. it was way colder than we had anticipated and i dont think laura slept at all. we left pretty early so that we could beat the traffic and get warm!
it was a really awesome experience and i am so glad that laura came. she is such a sweet girl with an amazing heart!
hopefully this time next year there wont be a displace me because there wont be anyone in the camps.
looks like it was good times. good stuff dan. i'll be praying for your excitement to remain genuine and for your focus to remain on christ.
in brotherly love
Hey! It was awesome meeting you at Displace Me. I'm one of the ones from Winthrop that you talked to briefly, but I'm so glad that someone from Winthrop is going for the teacher exchange. Can't wait to hear more about your adventures!
Best wishes,
Aileen A.
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