Monday, May 14, 2007

photo op

i was looking around on invisible children's website catching up on the latest news from uganda and the results from displace me. and low and behold there laura and i are on the internet!
go to
scroll down and click to see the photos, then click on atlanta and then to see the pics. we are the 3rd pic. we are laying on our sleeping bags beside eachother a little right and above center! we were really there!


jimmy ( said...

I'm going to have to trust you on that one. You two are very small. But that's cool Dan. It seems as though the Lord is pouring out his blessing over you, and that's pretty amazing to see. And also humbling in a weird sort of way for me personally, because I can see how big God is by how he's working in your life and how teeny tiny I am.

Good stuff!

I wonder if you'll be able to update us from Africa or not!!!

Danielle said...

I have been told that there will be internet access available in Gulu sometimes. I hope to be able to keep posting while i am there. if not i will save up posts and post them when i get back for sure!
thanks so much for the enouragement jimmy. it means so much to me. it is humbling to know that the Lord is using me to touch others and your words are encouraging and challenging because i know i am being given a lot and to those who are given a lot a lot is expected.

gDodson said...

see if you can spot me in this picture.

Danielle said...

very funny greg (:

Rita said...

Are you the crazies with no cardboard box over your sleeping bags? :)

Danielle said...

that would be us. we thought "we dont need no stinkin cardboard" we didnt think about the dew that was like rain! we were pretty soaked and cold and miserable. but we held out. (: