Tuesday, May 8, 2007

do huh?

i went to charlotte one tonight. fun as always. clayton king was the speaker. i know him from my winthrop days when he would come (always at valentine's day) and speak about relationships. he spoke about suffering. he said some really great thought provoking things, like pain awakens us to our need for Christ and God is good all the time. think about those and see what you come up with. i know i will.
anyhow he mentioned what is happening in sudan and uganda. after he spoke i was waiting around for some people who brought donations to the yard sale...which by the way all the cool kids donate to and are coming to (: and clayton walked by and spoke to ashleigh so i whipped out a uganda support letter and asked him to pray for me. i hesitated at first because i didnt want him to think that i was just trying to get money. i honestly felt like the Lord wanted me to ask him to pray. his response was "awesome, have you raised all your support?" no i said and then he said "come over here and let me give you all the money i have, i dont know how much i have but lets see"
what? are you serious? no facade, no faking it, no sure yea whatever. he was instantly excited and moved to help. honestly i dont think i would have reacted that way. how challenging. when faced with something for your first instinct to be what can i do. sort of like what he spoke about. instead of asking why God are you letting this happen we should change the question to what God are you doing through or around me and how can i participate in Your plan to make me who You desire me to be. whoa.


Laura said...

WOW! That is awesome...God is soo good...this blog in itself is a testimony of how good God is...I'm sure you are are ministering to people just by writing in this blog daily. That's an amazing story..thanks for sharing it.

Kylie said...

Whoa is all I can say, too! That's amazing!