Like before we had to submit a bio and pic so i thought i would share this years.
Danielle Davies' heart is Jesus. her church and friends are her family. Her passions are loving, serving, encouraging, and teaching. She graduated from Winthrop University and has been teaching seventh grade math for three years. She believes God put her in middle school because that is when kids decide what kind of person they will become. And math because, if she can show a middle schooler they can do math, they can do anything. She feels called to teach students who need a little extra love, support, and sass. She stresses taking chances, respect, and working to your potential in her class. They sing, dance, create, and work hard. She spent 5 weeks in Uganda last summer. She learned so much about herself, teaching, life, and love and left a huge part of herself there so she is excited to be on her way back. She believes in this program and Invisible Children and is so blessed to be able to use what God has gifted her with to support them.
Hey Honey Well I guess your going to be off again on adventures this summer You know I do worry about you even though I know God has you in his sights at at all times. Moms have to worry. I still look at you as the little baby I saw in the hospital that I could not believe was mine. I will always worry about you but I stand behind every thing you do. I love you.
I'm so glad you're blogging again. I check this from time to time and look forward to following your journey in person and on the web. I'm SO excited for you!!
I know that we haven't gotten the chance to talk in a while, but I am excited for your trip. We'll be praying for you and looking to support you however we can. We know that the Lord loves you very much and has great things planned for you.
Jimmy B.
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