Saturday, June 16, 2007


Time in Africa is a funny thing. People really do not concern themselves with time much. Even when starting classes the teachers don't really rush over. We usually start classes 10-20 minutes late. It has definitely been something I have had to get used to.

We went to st. jude's orphanage. It was a really incredible place. The people who work their pretty much just give their entire life over to the cause of their work. They were very proud to show us their new school building and church, it had a big mural of Jesus and the founder of the orphanage and outside was her grave. Then we got to play with the kids. We were talking to these kids and they thought it was hilarious to put bugs in my hands. They are these huge ants with white wings. It is what they were eating on the dvd. Apparently people roast them and salt them like popcorn.

1 comment:

Christian said...

Enjoying and learning from different cultures is one thing, but eating bugs like popcorn?! I don't know, that sort of crosses a line. :-) I know protein is important and all but, come on! :-)
Once again sounds like an amazing adventure. I don't really know you well, but it's exciting to read such a positive persons take on new life altering adventures.
Be safe, come home in one piece, and please, don't eat the bugs...